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  • Writer's pictureRafalene

Cruelty-Free Skincare Routine

Updated: May 28, 2019

Learn a new skincare routine designed for combination, acne prone and red skin.

All throughout high school, I battled with my skin, specifically with redness and severe acne. Although I still have occasional pimples or redness, this is the best my skin has EVER been!

To give you all some background, in high school I had tried everything from pills to proactive but found that nothing was working. I have very (VERY) sensitive skin so I am cautious what I put on it so it does not get irritated. My skin is a combination of oily around my forehead area and dry around my nose and part of my cheeks.

So what actually worked to clear my skin? A natural and simple routine.

1. Natural Soap

To remove my makeup all I use is... soap.

Yup, you read that right! I take my makeup off with all natural soap, preferably with no fragrance. You can pick whatever kind you prefer best but the one I am currently using is from a local shop in Kutztown, Paisley & Company, for around $5. To be honest with you all, I may have just bought this soap because it is TOO CUTE to handle! Before this soap, I was using the sensitive skin Dove because it has no fragrance in it.

2. Witch Hazel

Next, I use a cotton ball to apply witch hazel all over my face.

The key with witch hazel is to not overdo it, I do not completely soak the cotton ball but just make it damp. The brand I use is Thayers which I buy at Target for $4. I tend to buy the smaller bottle because it takes a while to go through it, but the choice is yours! Thayers witch hazel comes unscented, in Lavender, cucumber, coconut water, lemon, or Rose Petal.

3. Moisturizer

The third step is applying moisturizer, the one I currently use is Simple Protecting Light Moisturizer which has SPF 15 in it and is geared for sensitive skin.

This can be found at Target for $10. I love this product because it does not make me feel oily and there is no fragrance added, it is exactly what it claims to be... simple. I only use a drop of this as well, a common mistake is to use too much product with your skin. Less is truly better with your skincare routine, the simpler the better.

4. Facial Spritz

The fourth and final step is completely optional, a facial spritz!

I just started using this product as I found this company within this past week. I liked what the company is all about and fell in love with the scent so I figured I would give it a try. I absolutely LOVE the feeling this spray gives me, it is so hydrating on my skin and makes me feel good when I smell it. This product would be perfect to cool off within the summer. I picked this spray up at a local farmers market but you can purchase it online as well. I HIGHLY recommend checking out Chez Lapin, not only are her products vegan, eco-friendly, and downright amazing... but a portion of all purchases goes to a local non-profit rabbit rescue. This specific bottle cost $14, which is worth every penny I promise you!


1. Drink LOTS of water

I know it sounds cliche but it truly makes a difference. One of the major changes I have made is to only drink water, although occasionally I drink juice as well.

2. Take your makeup off before bed

After a long day, it can seem like a hassle, but your pores need to breathe. Wearing makeup for too long a period can clog your pores resulting in buildup (and pimples!)

3. Using a primer before applying makeup

This is a VERY important step to make sure your makeup is not clogging your pores. Smashbox Cosmetics has great primers that are cruelty-free!

4. Use natural products

Natural products tend to be less harsh on your skin which will help skin tone and redness. Local shops can be great to find all-natural products but Target continues to expand their natural products as well. These products are more likely to be cruelty- free as well! Disclaimer: All opinions are my own and all products have been purchased by myself at full price. This post is in no way sponsored.

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